Precision flying is an exhilarating sport that takes your flying abilities to new heights. It’s about mastering the art of aviation with enhanced precision and excellence.

Picture yourself on a cross-country flight, confidently navigating your way to each waypoint. This is what you’ve trained for, studying topography, calculating wind triangles, and creating precise flight plans. Even in challenging situations like a motor failure, you remain calm and execute practiced maneuvers with control. This is the world of precision flying, where competition demands an extra level of accuracy.

Precision flying is an internationally recognized sport akin to an aviation treasure hunt. You’ll enjoy their agility, affordability, and excellent visibility using typical motor aircraft with a speed of at least 60 knots.

The sport consists of three elements:

  1. Theoretical Part: Calculate a flight plan accurately under time pressure using computer-generated data and a meticulously prepared competition map.
  2. Navigational Flight: Fly a predetermined course with incredible precision, identifying ground markers and recognizing photographs along the way. GPS loggers approved by the FAI will record and evaluate your performance.
  3. Precision Landings: Showcase your landing skills with four precise landings, aiming for the “zero line” and minimizing deviations for the best scores.

Whether you start as a novice in the “Equipe” category or take on additional challenges as an advanced solo pilot, precision flying offers a thrilling experience that pushes the boundaries of your skills.