
Rogers Data is an ICAO chart manufacturer from Vienna, Austria. Their highly detailed and well printed products are a must have for every pilots bag. The one in a kind design helps pilots to quickly adopt to another country’s airspace with hardly any effort across Europe. We are more than happy to have found a true partner in Rogers Data who value the chart navigation as we do. With their support they help us to re-energize the navigation flying sport within Germany and across full Europe.

Lightspeed Aviation is a leading manufacturer of premium aviation headsets, including the next generation of safety wearables – the Delta Zulu. We are very proud to have this company on our side to help us – as the next generation of pilots – with the two most important things in navigation flying: clear communication and flight safety.

The Flugwerft Leutkirch is our go-to maintenance hangar, located directly on the airfield in Leutkirch (EDNL). They provide us with a cozy and well-maintained Cessna 150 and help us with technical questions at literally any time. This feeling of safety allows us to concentrate fully on navigation flying.

Andreas Böhl, the owner of the flight school Airfield Service GmbH, is an incredibly skilled flight instructor. We gained multiple flight licenses through him and learned much about general aviation. Today, we still consult him for professional advice and charter his beautiful aircrafts at Leutkirch Airfield (EDNL).

Tom Illgner is an incredibly talented photographer who takes pictures of powered aircraft. His photography keeps our competitions and action-packed moments in our memory for a long time. This enormously helps to embellish all media articles and to show navigation flying from its best side.


The Bundeskommission Motorflug of the Deutscher AeroClub supports us as a team in building up a young generation of passionate pilots interested in navigation flying as well as in learning new skills together with the German National Team.

The Luftsport Verband Bayern is the aviation umbrella organization in our home state of Bavaria. In addition to the active support we receive, we are allowed to be the speaker for navigation flying to draw pilots’ attention through newspaper articles and speeches.

The Baden-Württembergischer Luftfahrtverband is the aviation umbrella organization in our home state of Baden-Wurttemberg. With their support, we can participate at national and international competitions. We are allowed to be the speaker for navigation flying to draw pilots’ attention through newspaper articles and speeches.

The Precision Flying Association aims to promote navigation flying in Switzerland and beyond. We heavily benefit from their expertise, their high-end navigation flying equipment, and their precious annual training in Germany at the beginning of each navigation flying season.